Published: 22 March 2022

What is Respiratory System?

  The process by which a biological process takes place in the human body is called a system. Breathing and exhaling are two processes. The process by which oxygen enters the body and carbon dioxide is expelled is called the respiratory system.

The effects of exercise on the respiratory system are as follows: 

 1-Exercising or participating in any physical activity causes the lungs to expand, the body needs oxygen, and the process of contraction releases carbon dioxide and excess cells. Substances are expelled.  

 2-Carbon dioxide emissions are usually not complete during respiration and polluted air remains in the lungs. Exercise makes breathing faster. Which benefits the human body.

Carbon dioxide is completely excreted from the lungs.  

Receiving oxygen fulfills the body's need for muscle cells. 

A professional athlete has bigger breasts and wider chest than other people.

 The lungs are healthy, wide and the breathing process is fast.

 3-Tension in the bones or muscles during exercise. Stress activates the receptors inside them and they immediately inform the respiratory centers and before that the demand for oxygen in the body increases and the speed of the soul increases more than normal.

 4-Exercise requires deeper breathing and more frequent breathing than usual. This speeds up the absorption of oxygen into the blood and the release of carbon dioxide. 120 to 150 liters per minute of carbon dioxide is inhaled instead of 6 to 10 liters per minute of oxygen.

 5-Oxygen penetrates rapidly into the blood vessels and arteries. 100 ml of blood normally contains 15 ml of oxygen. Thus, instead of 200 to 300 milliliters per minute, 400 to 600 milliliters of oxygen per minute. In this way the cells of the body get more oxygen than usual and they stay healthier and stronger. 

6- An adult male can breathe 0.5 liters of air during rest and sleep while 3.5 liters of air is absorbed during exercise.

 Short term effects:

Exercise increases the use of oxygen.Exercise will pump more blood which will make blood available to different parts of the body. Breathing will get better.

 Long term effects:

Exercise increases the ability of the lungs to swell. The body absorbs oxygen better. The rate of respiration increases threefold and the exchange of gases increases fivefold.

 More saliva and other substances are excreted which relieves shortness of breath and improves and strengthens the functioning of respiratory organs. Blood pressure rises in the kidneys. This provides more oxygen and strengthens the muscles. 

 Exercising regularly increases blood plasma salts. Blood pressure rises in the back during exercise. And exercise can increase the speed of the plasma and make the blood thinner. 

 Exercise causes the arteries to open, which causes the muscles to receive more blood. Capacity increases. The veins become narrow and blood stays in the cracks for a long time. This gives the muscles more oxygen.