Written by Zain Ul Abdin

Population distribution in the world


The number of living people is called population.  Population The number of people per square kilometer in an area is called the population.

 Population Growth A Historical Review POPULATION_DENSITY 

1804  1 Billion

1927 2 Billion

1960 3 Billion

1974 4Billion

1987 5 Billion

 2000 6 Billion

2010  7 Billion

2014  7.2 Billion  

Current 8 Billion

Largest Population Concentrations in the World If we look at the distribution of population in this world, five major concentrations are obvious:

East Asia, South Asia, Western Europe, South East Asia and Northeast Central and Southeast or very prominent.

East Asia 

The region is home to more than 1.5 billion people. About 25% of the world's population lives in East Asia.This population of East Asia is spread along the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, including the eastern part of China, the Japanese peninsula of Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and the island of Tawan. 80% of its population is Chinese. Walking towards Vietnam and Thailand reaches.

Most of the population lives in river valleys. In particular, the Si Qiang, Huang Ho River and the Yang Si Qiang are very densely populated.There are more than 50 cities in China with a population of over one million people per city.

More than 25 percent of Japan's population lives in the two largest cities, Tokyo, the world's most populous city, and Osaka, which accounts for less than 3 percent of Japan's total area. South Korea's population is evenly divided.

South Asia

South Asia is the second most populous region in the world and more than 20% of the population lives in this region.Although South Asia is one of the SAARC countries, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are important in terms of population.

Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and Maldives are less important than the region of population.In South Asia, as in East Asia, the most densely populated areas are the Indus and the plains of the Ganges and Jumna.

India's population is equal to three times the population of the other six SAARC countries. There are 17 cities in the region with a population of over one million.These cities stretch from the Punjab province of Pakistan in the west to Bangladesh in the east within a fifteen hundred kilometer long strip.


Europe accounts for 15% of the world's population. Europe is the third largest region in the world in terms of population, extending from Western Europe to the western parts of Asia.  The population is more than 157 people per square kilometer.

The majority of Europe's population lives in cities.The rural population is less than 15%.

South East Asia

South Asia is the world's fourth largest population center with a population of about 500 million.Most of which is made up of islands between the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Some of the Indonesian islands of Java, Sumatra and Bali are very densely populated.The population density in the region is around 3,000 to 5000 people per square mile.

North East USA and West East Canada

The region has a population of about 150 million.

The population is densely populated along the Atlantic coast along the Boston Massachusetts Newport and New Virginia.In the west, it stretches from the Great Lakes to Chicago.

Like Europeans, the majority of the region's population lives in cities and less than 5% of the population is engaged in agriculture.