Health Education:

 Healthcare is the name of the combination of these experiences. Which have a positive impact on knowledge, habits and attitudes related to personal, national and social health. 

 Physical Education:

 Physical education is a component of general education that aims to develop a person's physical, mental, emotional and social abilities in a balanced way through physical activity. 

Relation between Health Education and Physical Education:

Health and Physical Education definitions and concepts show that the two are inseparable from each other. Spiritually, health and physical education have different status, but these two sciences have a deep connection with each other. No, the scope of the two sciences and their method of teaching is also different but both have the same objectives. Physical is an action and action provides training. Therefore, the two sciences together develop the balanced development of human beings by completing knowledge and action, but both aim to improve the individual. Health science is the source of strength and physical education The main thing is that health education and physical education are mutually supportive in terms of their merits.


These are both help to any person in several ways. some are following:

Raising the standard of Health:

The standard of health would have been higher. Health education and physical education programs play an important role in raising the standard of human health. Hygiene provides information on the principles of hygiene, physical exercise, personal hygiene, good and balanced diet, prevention of diseases, measures to avoid air pollution and the principles of sexual hygiene. Sports, gymnastics and various physical activities play an important role in maintaining and promoting health.

 Increase in International Relations:

 Programs of both sciences contribute to the improvement of international relations and establish relations with each other, which strengthens peace and harmony in the world and promotes the spirit of goodwill which Examples include the Olympic Games, the Red Cross, Scouting, and the establishment of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Reduction in Mortality Rate and Longevity:

 Both science programs reduce mortality rate by living a life of love and happiness while following the principles of fresh air, light, balanced diet, exercise, rest and health. Diseases sell human beings and rising health standards lead to higher mortality rates and longevity. 

 Correction and Prevention of National Defects:

  Programs of both sciences are helpful in correcting national defects as good temperament reflects one's temperament, emotions and character. Accurate stature is a mirror of good personality. It has to do with physical fitness and the sign of good health. Good stature guarantees good health. Corrective defects (round waist, bare waist, uneven shoulders, flat feet) can be corrected through physical activity.

Character Formation:

  Both science programs / activities are the backbone in shaping a person's good character. Are the main pillars of the formation.

Opportunities for a Happy life:      Programs of both sciences provide opportunities to live a happy and fulfilling life. They lead to happiness and tranquility for human beings. Get rid of the clutter that leads to a happier life.

Increasing the Efficiency of Bodily Systems:

 Programs of both sciences lead to increase in the performance of the bodily systems. They explain the structure of the human body, correct posture, exercise, sports nutrition and precautionary measures against diseases.

Avoiding  Diseases

  In both science programs and activities there are ways to avoid air pollution and to prevent and prevent the spread of diseases. We can improve our health through physical education and health activities so that we can control diseases and live a healthy and fulfilling life.

 Crime Reduction and Increase in Public Service:

 Both science programs lead to reduction in crime and increase in public service such as scouting, Red Cross society, recreational activities and occupations. By participating in various programs and activities of both the disciplines, people get opportunities to become good citizens.

  Highlighting Aspects of life: Programs of both sciences play an important role in highlighting aspects of life. These sciences provide opportunities to unleash the mental, emotional, physical and latent abilities of the individual, especially the natural abilities of the child.

The above facts prove that health education and physical education go hand in hand. These two sciences have a very close relationship. Is and is bound in an everlasting relationship.