Student of Sports Sciences

 Athletes get injuries in different sports which sometimes keep the player away from the game for short duration and sometimes for long duration. Many athletes stay away from sports for long periods of time only because of injuries.

 So just as sports are important, so are athletes. The player looks beautiful while playing on the field and it is important to keep the player involved in the game, he must be protected from injuries and for this it is very important to use safety measures. By adopting safety measures in sports, not only many accidents can be avoided but also the best results can be achieved. 

 General safety measures are those measures which seem to be of no importance but if they are adopted then not only the performance graph goes up but also the player is protected from the risk of any kind of injury. The following is a description of the general safety tray.

 Choice of playground:

   The play area should be perfectly clean. It should not contain rocks, piles of dirt, glass fragments, nails, thorny bushes, in or near the ground. The surface should be perfectly smooth. There should be no pits or slopes that could cause sprains or slips. Safety fences should be installed away from the ground so that players do not collide with them. The seating area of ​​the spectators should be at a distance from the field so that they do not directly affect the game and the players. There should be no obstruction inside the ground that could harm the game or the player, such as light poles.

 Ground Location: 

  Try to have a playground in the open and out of town. There should be no ground on the highway and no passage inside the ground. Away from factories, factories and industrial areas to keep players safe from smoke, dust and noise. The direction of the ground should also be taken care of so that sunrise and sunset do not affect the game.

 Weather conditions:

 The weather conditions suitable for the game should also be taken into consideration, such as extreme cold, extreme heat, heavy rain, lightning, etc., can be harmful to the player. Fog and other muscular factors can also cause injury. Therefore, special care should be taken for proper lighting and other factors mentioned above and the game should be postponed till the situation comes to light. 

  Athlete's Physical Fitness: 

 The age, sex and physical fitness of any player should be of definite importance in terms of sports safety measures. The physical ability of the player participating in any game should be taken into consideration whether he has the ability to play the game or not. It will happen and he will get hurt. Similarly, a fat or heavy addict can fall in a long run or get injured by pulling a muscle. Therefore, the physical fitness of the player should also be taken into consideration. In this way the chances of injury can be reduced and it is very important for the athlete to be physically fit.

 Sports equipment:

  It is very important to keep sports equipment in good condition during the game. For example, broken cricket bats, hockey, badminton, lawn tennis rackets, hurdles, pole vault pools, goal posts, gymnastics equipment, etc. can cause injury. Therefore, if all these things are checked thoroughly before the start of the game, the chances of an accident can be greatly reduced. Avoid using substandard equipment. 

 Use of protective equipment:

 Sometimes players consider the use of protective equipment as an insult and do not use Thai guards, helmets, mouth guards, shin guards, protective guards etc. which are very important during the game. It is the duty of coaches, managers and management to inform the players about the usefulness of such safety equipment and to oblige them to use safety equipment to avoid accidents.

 Choice of clothing:

 Athlete's clothing is important from a safety standpoint. The athlete's clothing should not be too tight to make movements difficult. Dress appropriately for the weather and circumstances. Perspiration that can be ventilated (to dry) cloth is more suitable to be used separately for soft wear and friction not eaten warm-up match to be flexible so that body. Shoes should not be torn, should fit the structure of the foot, should not be too tight or loose. The chances of injuries in sports can also be reduced by using clothing appropriate to the sport and circumstances. 

 Warming up the body:

 To start any sport, it is very important to warm up the body first because warm up increases the body's ability to work. Oxygen levels in the blood increase. Blood begins to reach deeper parts of the body. This way the player does not need to apply any extra force and the chances of getting injured are reduced. Therefore, the possibility of injury may be limited by warming the body before the game.

 Athletes mentally prepared:  

 It is important for a player to be personally willing to participate in any sport. Because if the player is not willing to participate in a game then he will be afraid of the opponent's ability and will be distracted from the game or his attention will be more on other factors and he will hurt himself in case of any minor mistake. Therefore, the player should be mentally prepared in advance for his role in the game so that he does not become distracted during the game and he is protected from the possibility of injury.

 Mastering the Skills: 

 In order to play any game, it is very important for the player to master the relevant skills. Similarly, when choosing a sport, both skills and physical fitness should be taken into consideration. Because not mastering the skills can also cause injury and not using the skills can also be the cause of the accident. Therefore, the player should be proficient in the relevant game so that he can give better performance and be safe from injury. 

 The above mentioned safety measures can be used to protect sports competitions and athletes from injury to a great extent and also to create beauty and splendor in sports. Therefore, these instructions cannot be ignored under any circumstances.