You will actually want to drink at the 2022 World Cup - but it will set you back.

The FIFA World Cup in the new year poses a serious threat to the oil-rich Middle East region, and closed-minded locals are preparing for a major cultural feud with intense (and worst-doing) football fans.

The host country of Qatar will report that alcohol, wine and champagne will be allowed - but only within the stadiums and "newly created" resorts "- at a reasonable cost.

Despite government initiatives, locals remain concerned, especially after England's misfortune at the 2021 European Championship ended up promoting fanatic misconduct. "We do not drink. how this will work with all fans around the world. " Pearl Lounge, a private, in-area venue that is likely to offer alcohol, starts at $ 4,950 per person. individual.

At this point, travelers who need to polish alcohol need to stick to five-star licensed liquor outlets when a glass of wine starts at $ 20, yet many of these five-star accommodations have been sold for games.

Qatar is running a 28-day tournament from November 21 to Dis. 17, and more than 1.5 million fans are expected to leave the small Middle East country.

International observers have criticized Qatar's selection for the World Cup amid vote-buying scandals; trauma and death of traveler development workers during the games; and the country's male protection laws, which say that women must ask for permission from the male family to make choices in their lives. Another deceptive point: Homosexuality is illegal and, according to Qatari law, you should be detained somewhere within a year or three.

Qatar World Cup official Nasser al-Khater said "any follower, of any stature, [sexual] direction, religion, race" was welcomed and "Qatar is one of the most protected countries in the world."

He added, however, that "public warmth is not allowed, it is not part of our lifestyle - but it goes in every situation for everyone."

The capital Doha is in the midst of a $ 300 billion building explosion to force fans to save money on "places" and "tourist villages" that will allow alcohol.

As shown in a statement from Qatar Tourism: "Qatar will have up to 130,000 access rooms ... That total includes two- to five-star accommodations, briefly secured cruise ships, known as 'flooded dormitories', refurbished accommodation and and the suburbs, and the camps of the wilderness.

This month "Host Country Portal" will be posted to help fans by tracking accommodation.

While the cost of costly accommodation may be lower, alcohol will always be more expensive - trying to prevent fans from getting drunk.

However, it will be a big win or a big loss for the spectators. Places like the five-star resort "family residence" Banana Island has ensured that Post is "dry" and does not change the way the Cup.

Fans who want to bring their bond of free liquor will be in dire straits - it is illegal to bring alcohol to the nation and two Doha liquor stores are allowed to offer "authorized" customers.

Women will face more than just alcohol. As shown by the Qatari tourism office, the recommended rule for women's clothing is "modest shoulder-length dresses, skirts or shorts.

Meanwhile, the men are said to have "dressed modestly and tried not to wear sleeveless tanks, [Four T-shirts]" with questionable slogans or short pants over the knee. If it is not a big problem, be careful in public places, for example, medical clinics and some restaurants and pants and shoes for social gatherings will be needed. "

Some of the current guidelines, in terms of tags posted outside the forums, that may appear, or, that are unfamiliar to outsiders are:

There are no perfumes or colognes

There are no photo sticks you took

No horns or lasers

No bet

No smoking

There are no political or solid symbols

It is not yet clear how the Qatari authorities will deal with the crime, and where and how they can detain the perpetrators.