What is Muscular System?

 Muscle system refers to the system in which muscles perform their functions. They have the ability to contract and expand. This system encompasses all the muscles or tendons of the human body. 

 The layers of flesh that are present on our body under the skin are called muscles. They are interconnected through a membrane. In fact, it is an organSome muscles are large and strong, such as the muscles of the legs and arms, and some are small and delicate, such as the eye muscles. 

  Muscles are given different names in different contexts, such as 

 Biceps Muscle: Muscles that have two branches are called biceps muscles.

 Triceps Muscles: Muscles that have three branches are called triceps muscles.

 Fourcep Muscles: Muscles that have four spines are called fourcep muscles. 

 Muscle texture : 

 Structures of Muscles Muscle cells are long and their fibers are so thin that they cannot be observed without microscope. 

 Muscle fibers are in the form of small bundles. Each bundle consists of a collection of fibers which is a unit of muscle. Muscles get food from arteriesThere is a network of arteries inside the muscles and there is a lot of blood in them. There are five hundred muscles in our body.

 Kinds of Muscles:

 Voluntary Muscles

 Involuntary Muscles

 Cardiac Muscles

 Voluntary Muscles:

  Voluntary muscles are subject to human will, that is, we can move them whenever we want. Intentional muscles are half of our body. Their movements are under the control of the nervous system. The membrane is enveloped and red in color. Because they appear in the form of white and black stripes, they are also called striped muscles. 

 There are two types of intentional muscles. 

 (1) Dermal Muscles: 

 The muscles that are attached to the skin are called Dermal Muscles, such as the skull muscles, etc. 

  (2) Skeletal Muscles 

 The muscles that are attached to the bones are called skeletal muscles, such as the muscles of the arms and legs, etc. They take the form of tendons and are called tendons. The human ligament connects one end of the muscle to the root of the bone. The root of the muscle is also called the origin.

 Involuntary Muscles: 

 These are muscles that are not subject to our desires but keep moving on their own, and the movements of these muscles are not affected by the autonomic nerves. Musculoskeletal and gastrointestinal movements are also said to be related to involuntary muscles.

 Cardiovascular muscles:   Cardiovascular muscles are very strange in nature. They are similar in structure and structure to intentional muscles. These muscles are not subordinate to the central nervous system. These muscles have stripes but are involuntary in function. These muscles are found in the heart. They have the ability to contract and expand continuously.

 Importance / Benefits of Muscles: 

 The movements and movements of the human body are due to these muscles. 

 Muscles protect bones and joints.  The skin muscles move the hair.  Strong and powerful muscles, enhance physical performance.  

 Involuntary muscles help in the functions of other important systems of the body such as circulatory system, digestive system, respiratory system etc.

Some muscles help chew food, such as the muscles of the mouth and jaw. 

 Muscles make the body beautiful and symmetrical. Strength is due to strong muscles. 

 Muscles make a person dignified and attractive. Strong muscles play an important role in the race for life. 

 Strong muscles make it easier to perform various physical activities. 

Muscle and is spread easily pick up and shrinking as the respiratory diaphragm and muscles between the ribs. Muscles correct height and make limbs fit.

written by ZAIN Ul ABDIN 

Associate Degree in Health and Physical Education