Published: 07 April 2022 

What is Physical Education? 

 Physical education is a collection of experiences gained from participating in major muscle activities that lead to optimal growth and development in individuals.

 Aims and objectives of Physical Education:

 Qualities of a Good Citizen:

 The purpose of physical education is to develop the qualities of a good citizen in an individual. Education helps in controlling physical emotions, empathy, honesty, tolerance, respect for rights, discipline, self-sacrifice, obedience to law, character building and creating a balanced personality so that the individual is healthy and Becoming a useful citizen creates emotional maturity through physical education activities and the ability to play a role as a healthy citizen in society. The purpose of physical education is to develop one's personality along these lines. Thanks to which he became physically strong, mentally alert, smart, emotionally healthy and socially acceptable and capable citizen. 

 Getting Useful Experiences:

 Physical education activities and organized programs introduce useful and new experiences. Sports connect people of different races, countries and different societies. It promotes healthy competition, co-operation and relationships, as well as mental training and useful experiences, which makes the future life pleasant and purposeful.

 Knowledge of Healthful Living:

The purpose of physical education is to promote balanced development of the individual. Physical education through its recreational and exercise programs instills in people courage, fortitude, good personality, better performance, self-confidence and alleviates mental distress. Awareness of the principles of hygiene, provides practical training on prevention and control of national defects through exercise and diseases so that a person can achieve his financial potential better and more successfully. Education Physical Activities Personal Health Teaches how to maintain, live a happy and fulfilling life. Because physical education and health education go hand in hand, physical education programs cannot be successfully implemented without healthy habits. 

 Economic Development:

 Physical education activities play an important role in economic development. By engaging in these activities, the individual performs his duties efficiently as he is physically, mentally and emotionally normal. Thanks to which he is able to achieve an economically strong position. Physical education in itself is an important and respectable profession (lecturer in physical education, physical education teacher and coach). Apart from earning a decent living, one can gain immense prestige with wealth by mastering a particular sport, such as professional footballers, cricketers, boxers and tennis legends.

 Inspires to do Work:

 Physical activity strengthens the motivation to work. It encourages the individual to be alert, smart, clean and peaceful so that the individual can perform any task efficiently. Physical activity also affects aspects of hard work. Therefore, due to this habit of hard work, the individual succeeds in getting a better job and raising the standard of living. 

 Creating Feelings of Democratic Partnership: 

 Playgrounds are the first training ground for democratic partnerships. Playgrounds are considered as the school of democracy. From sports man learns values ​​such as rights and duties, duties of responsibility, rules and regulations, punctuality, the spirit of working together, selflessness, sincerity and honesty. I develop a sense of democratic co-operation which is extremely useful and better for the society. Sports is a practical training ground for controlling emotions and adopting good morals.

 Highlighting leadership skills:

 Participating in physical  education activities not only removes the hesitation of the individual but also removes the fear and anxiety as well as develops leadership skills. It provides an opportunity for the individual to use their full potential and to show off. Hesitation and fear are the biggest obstacles to progress in life. Their removal further enhances the individual's abilities. It highlights the individual's passion for progress, perseverance, enthusiasm, courage, self-confidence, passion for research and leadership skills. After careful study of the above objectives of physical education, we have come to the conclusion that physical education plays a vital role in achieving the mental, physical and social development of the individual.

 To Remove Postural Defects:

 Congenital defects can be congenital or inherited. Occasionally, improper posture and weight loss can lead to serious defects such as overweight, overwork, overeating and not exercising, or due to illness or accident. Which have a detrimental effect on a person's personality. The purpose of physical education is to remove all these national defects through our activities and exercises and at the same time to make people aware of all the causes of national defects and corrective exercises so that by removing the national defects and creating beauty in the personality of the individual. 

 Complete coordination of nerves and muscles:

 The performance and ability of the human body depends on the perfect harmony of nerves and muscles. The purpose of physical education is to create harmony in the nerves and muscles as no skill can be mastered without coordination. This is possible only by practicing wire. If physical activity strengthens the muscles, then the nerves will automatically become stronger and stronger. The best athletes are those who have the element of complete harmony in their nerves and muscles.