Published: 30 March 2022

What is First Aid?

  First aid refers to the assistance that is provided to an accident victim in the event of an emergency. 

  First aid is the name given to immediate and temporary care given to the affected persons in case of sudden illness or any accident. First Aid means providing assistance in the event of an accident or natural calamity in such a prudent and sensible manner that life is maintained before the arrival of the doctor or the affected person is taken to the hospital and the effects of trauma and injury do not increase. Literally means first aid in the event of a catastrophic lightning strike, accidents, drowning, poisonous animal bites, burns, bomb blasts, severe pain Eating or drinking something deadly Etc.

 General Principles of First Aid

 Eliminate the cause of the injury:

 As far as possible the cause of the injury or accident or danger should be removed immediately from the affected person or if it is more appropriate to remove the affected person from the cause or danger of the injury so that the injury Or the effects of the injury may not increase. 

  Kept in the open air:

 The patient should be kept in fresh and open air so that breathing is not restricted to the airways. And no bumps should be placed around him. If breathing is difficult, it should be resuscitated immediately.

 Stop the bleeding immediately:

 Bleeding from an infected person deserves immediate attention. No matter what the injuries are, the first thing to do is to try to stop the flow of blood immediately and as soon as possible because excessive bleeding increases the risk of death. 

 Warming the affected patient: 

 The affected person should be warmed so that the body temperature is maintained and this gives him comfort. This reduces the severity of the trauma. To keep the affected person warm, warm sheet, It can be wrapped in a blanket, coat or comforter, or a hot water bottle or heated brick can be wrapped in a cloth and applied to the body. 

 Keep comfortable:

 The affected person should be kept in a relaxed position so that his wounds and bruises can be relieved so that he can live comfortably.

 Excretion of Poison: 

 If the patient has ingested the poison, he should try to expel it from the body. If it is more appropriate, its effect should be eliminated.

 Do not take the place of the doctor: 

The first aid worker should know that he is not a doctor, so he should not accept the responsibilities of the doctor, however, in order to save his life, He is authorized to adopt. His responsibility ends when the right medical aid is available. As soon as possible after medical aid the affected person is transferred to the accident department. 

 Bone fractures: 

  If a bone is broken, the injured part should not be moved until the broken limb is tied to the weakened limb so that the pain of the weakened limb can be reduced by calling the rest of the body. Protect broken limbs from movement.

  Means of transporting the affected person from the scene of the accident: 

 The patient should be taken to the hospital immediately and a suitable ride should be arranged so that he can be taken to the hospital without any discomfort and in a comfortable condition.

  Covering the wound:

 The affected person's genitals should be immediately covered with a clean bandage or cloth to protect them from germs.

 Take off the clothes of the infected person: 

 The clothes of the infected person should be loosened or taken off. When loosening or taking off the clothes, keep in mind that exposing the body too much can lead to cold so that the patient does not feel any discomfort and pain if necessary. The victim's shoes and socks should be taken off.

  Familiarity with the basic principles of medical aid: 

 The medical aid provider should be familiar with the basic principles of medical aid and have mastered it as it can provide medical aid to two affected persons.