Anyone can go through good days. It is easy to stick to your habits on good days. What you do on bad days is what really shapes your life.It has been bothering most of us for 2 years. We have had bad days, sad days, old days, and many dull days during the epidemic. 
In such an experiment, one's ability to cope with adversity is more important than ever. . Because sometimes we have had days when we have not felt the fear, the laziness, the insecurity, and the anxiety.
This is how you can save the day when things start to go wrong.

Plan Your Small Habits
We all have - small things that bring us joy and encouragement in the days of nothing. "Little habits" are excellent examples of this. They do not take much self-control or strength to improve. For me, doing the following things on bad days can make me feel better and more motivated -

waking up in the morning
walking while listening to music
watching stand-up parody
writing (both in my journal and in public)
my favorite food
reading (book, newspaper, or articles)
engaging in self-care: haircuts, shaving, warm baths, etc.

Set a minimum of your habits. Ideally, these habits should be small things, not big tasks. Herculean objects will only end up occasionally when you are not in the right place in the head. This is also a useful method when it comes to building long-lasting habits. 
If you can get involved in good habits even on bad days, it means you can get used to the habit for the rest of your life. with great effort.Anyone can put to work on good days. That's what you do on bad days is important.

Watch Your Habits though
At the closing of Covid's 2020, I was in a very bad mental and physical state. Continually it was a bad day for me. So I longed for something, anything that would make me feel better. 
So in an effort to make myself feel good about myself, I began to indulge in such activities as binge drinking, drinking, and smoking. Ironically, doing these things made me feel very bad about myself. 
Be aware of the things you use to feel better. Because exactly the same things can make you feel very bad.
For example, having a glass of wine or two can make you feel better after a bad day. In any case, drinking the whole dish and spoiling it can make you feel very bad - mentally and physically. This can work even for seemingly harmless things like Netflixing. Watching the program for a while can brighten your mind. 
However, do you sleep all day and watch all season all day? That will quickly make you look lazy and even worse once you realize how much time you have spent.
Be wise, you can see the difference between the good and the bad.
With things like low-quality food, alcohol, and visual aids - exercising in moderation can help fight bad days. In any case, overdoing it will make your day very regrettable.

The Last Thought
The habits you can do even on a bad day will determine where you end up in life. We all have hard days and it is not to expect to be high when you do not feel well. showers may be a rage right now in the self-improvement area.But most importantly are habits that you can stick to even on the worst days.
Sustainability is important.Most of us can finish things on good days. In any case, what if things go awry? What do we do then? I spent many days in the past hurting my fate when the day got worse. In the meantime, though, I am putting forth effort to save the bad days by doing my "little" habits.
Life is too short to let go of a day when things get tough.
Stop your little habits so you can do them until you think you are lazy, tired or not feeling that day. The key is to find simple things that are easy to do but give you great pleasure.
I wish you all the good and the bad days.